Shawn Smalls cultivated his own businesses when he was in middle school. As an expert with over 35 years of experience and a certified entrepreneur instructor, Mr. Smalls has helped launch numerous businesses. Through his expertise in finances, business expansion, raising capital, marketing, investments, and management, he has assisted in the creation of several million dollar businesses.


To expand entrepreneurship through the community, Shawn Smalls co-founded A.C.E. Academy Charter School (K-8), where students learn entrepreneurship and wealth principles. Shawn has invested thousands of dollars and developed numerous entrepreneurs through the Young Moguls program. Young scholars are taught how to monetize their ideas, skills and interest from Mr. Smalls educational lessons. Students as young as 10 have created a Limited Liability Company (LLC.), invested in the stock market and have hired staff to expand their businesses.

Empower Your Business
Embrace Your Hustle
Is the business blue print for youth and adults interested in becoming an entrepreneur. Creating a business jump starts opportunities for the future and teaches critical thinking skills. This book is an introductory guideline to starting a business with the essential skills needed to become a successful entrepreneur.

Motivational Speaking

Your mind is a powerful thing when it is filled with positive thoughts.
Be inspired by Shawn Smalls and his motivational workshops.

Business Coach
The market for youth entrepreneurship is growing rapidly, with more than 600,000 new businesses opening each year in the United States. We work with young men and women aged 10 to 25, addressing their needs to create successful businesses and build generational wealth.
With 20% of businesses failing in their first year and 50% by the fifth year, our products and services are essential for creating successful businesses and overcoming these challenges.

Young Moguls are taught financial literacy, business management, customer service, negotiations and more. They learn how to monetize their skills and interests toward a viable business. Each Young Moguls is eligible to receive financial support toward their business once they complete a business plan.
Collectively students have made over $20,000 in profits over the last year.

Is to empower the next generation of entrepreneurs to create successful businesses, build generational wealth, and foster community through entrepreneurship principles.
Working with school districts, small businesses and community organizations